Tell us about yourself and your profession.
I was a bedside nurse at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia in their cardiac ICU for 10+ years. That is where I continued my education and became a Nurse Practitioner in the same unit.
What brought you to our nest?
My niece, Maria Rosa, was born sleeping on November 22. 2023. I came upon Three Little Birds when I was looking for local resources to help my family and myself to manage the immeasurable grief we were experiencing.
How has completing Three Little Birds advocate training make you a better advocate?
Taking the Three Little Birds training has helped me because I believe that through learning and hearing stories of other families and their experiences, I feel more equipped to be in these situations to support perinatal loss families. I know things to say that will help, things to avoid and most importantly, ways to help make this horrible time as special and beautiful as it could and should since they only have a short time with their beautiful angels.
What Three Little Birds services, events or programs are your favorite?
I think the Legacy Project Program is a beautiful opportunity for parents to honor and "parent" their baby.
What are your goals in volunteering for Three Little Birds?
My goal is to help in the bedside bereavement and also to do a legacy project honoring my niece, Maria Rosa.
Interested in supporting perinatal loss families? Register for our fall training!